Internships & Work Experience

If you would like to apply for an internship position at Studio Moross please email us the following:
– A cover letter describing why you would like to intern with us
– A CV
– PDF Portfolio or Video Showreel
We offer placements from 2 weeks to 3 months depending on what is suited to each individual.
All internship positions are paid the London Living Wage an hour. Lunch is also provided.
As we receive a large number of applications we cannot reply to all applicants, but we do look at every email. We will contact you if we would like you to come in for an interview. We do not have a waiting list, but applications are actively filed in a spreadsheet that is regularly reviewed by our management team, and if we like your work we will keep you on file until we are looking for our next intern.
We are also able to take on students (15-18) for work experience positions at Studio Moross.
Please provide the following email to your school or college:
Work experience positions are not paid but we can cover travel expenses. Lunch is also provided.